Hearing Aid Fittings

It may seem like a simple and straightforward part of the process, however, obtaining a proper hearing aid fitting is crucial to successful hearing.

After the evaluation process is complete and it is determined that you are an ideal candidate for hearing aids, we will provide a hearing aid recommendation. We’ll be sure to take into consideration your lifestyle as well as your technology and budget preferences.

Additionally, we offer in-office demos so you can see exactly how the hearing aid will feel and sound.

Adapting to hearing devices can be difficult but remember, you will have a team of hearing healthcare professionals ready to provide you with accurate programming, counseling, and instructions for your new devices.

During your hearing aid fitting you’ll learn:

  • How to use them
  • How to put them in correctly
  • How to remove them properly
  • How to change the batteries
  • How to clean them

With a proper fitting, many patients learn to adjust to their new hearing devices quickly. The sounds should be clear, comfortable, and pleasant. If the sounds you are hearing are different than you expected, small changes can be made at your first fitting. To help with this process, there may be a short survey or list of questions to answer to better understand your hearing experience.

Do you need some assistance with your hearing aids?

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